Osho LutherMartin S Pincus Gregory S Harvey William Achilles Schopenhauer Arthur S


Descriptions of Words / Quotes used for gadgets.

Olphas OWL Word/Quote List Submitted by Description
AristotleQuotes AristotleQuotes Wisdom100 Famous quotes by Aristotle
Attributes Attributes Nader Beautiful Attributes of God
BestUniversities BestUniversities Olivia Top Universities worldwide
BoyNames BoyNames Sandra Newborn boy names
BrainState BrainState Tobe Simple tasks to interrupt your state and empower yourself.
Business Business Bill Words from the business world
CanadaCities CanadaCities Emma Canadian Cities, Towns, and villages
Capitals Capitals Oz101 Capitals of the world
ChatRoom ChatRoom Felix Acronyms popular in chat rooms
DanceQuotes DanceQuotes User Quotes about dance
Dutch Dutch Anna Most frequent Dutch words and their meaning in English
English2Arabic English2Arabic Nader Most frequent English words translated to Arabic
English2Bulgarian English2Bulgarian Thomas Most frequent English words translated to Bulgarian
English2Chinese English2Chinese Nader Most frequent English words translated to simplified and traditional Chinese
English2Croatian English2Croatian User Most frequent English words translated to Croatian
English2Czech English2Czech Tereza Most frequent English words translated to Czech
English2Danish English2Danish Anne Most frequent English words translated to Danish
English2Finnish English2Finnish Emma Most frequent English words translated to Finnish
English2Greek English2Greek Dimitris Most frequent English words translated to Greek
English2Hindi English2Hindi Amarpal Most frequent English words translated to Hindi
English2Japanese English2Japanese Shun Most frequent English words translated to Japanese
English2Norwegian English2Norwegian Markus Most frequent English words translated to Norwegian
English2Portuguese English2Portuguese Maria Most frequent English words translated to Portuguese
English2Romanian English2Romanian Maria Most frequent English words translated to Romanian
English2Russian English2Russian Nader Most frequent English words translated to Russian
Entrepreneur Entrepreneur Bill Advices for starting your own company
FranceCities FranceCities Virginie French cities, towns and villages
French French Isabelle Most frequent French words and their meaning in English
FrenchTowns FrenchTowns Jean Louis Popular french towns and cities
GBCities GBCities Harry Great Britain towns, villages, and cities
German German Sebastian Most frequent German words and their meaning in English
GibranKhalilQuotes GibranKhalilQuotes Wisdom100 Quotes by Gibran Kahlil
GirlNames GirlNames Sandra Newborn girl names
GRE GRE Harvard1 GRE Vocabulary
HowDoUFeel HowDoUFeel Jennifer Words of emotions
ImmuneSystem ImmuneSystem Jen Tips for boosting your immunity system
InterviewQuestions InterviewQuestions Daniel Common interview questions for career jump
Italian Italian Alberto Most frequent Italian words and their meaning in English
ItalyCities ItalyCities Antonio Italian Cities, and villages
Love Love Jennifer Words of relationships and love
Magnificent Magnificent Wu Most beautiful English words rated by non English speakers
Majors Majors Cindy Academic majors
Motivation Motivation Chris Words of motivation
NationsCapitals NationsCapitals Andrew Capitals of the world
Philic Philic Redeye Fictitious words of affinity with definitions
Phobia Phobia Redeye Phobias with definitions
Polish Polish Jan Most frequent Polish words translated to English
Questions Questions Socrates Questions to make you think deeply about your life and mission
Roots Roots Elissa English Roots and parts of speech useful if you are studying for SAT/GRE/GMAT/Toefl
SAT SAT Chris Common SAT vocabulary words
SocratesQuestions SocratesQuestions User Questions for brainstorming and solving problems
Spanish Spanish Marco Most frequent Spanish words and their meaning in English
StressOut StressOut Monica How you can destress your day
StudyHabits StudyHabits Ethan Tips for good studying habits
Swedish Swedish Wilma Most frequent Swedish words translated into English
TouristAttractions TouristAttractions Alex Top tourist attraction destinations
USCities USCities Brenda US cities
USLgeCities USLgeCities Emily Large US cities
VoltaireQuotes VoltaireQuotes Wisdom100 Famous quotes by the French philosopher Voltaire
WordOfYear WordOfYear Abigail Word of the year chosen by Merriam-Webster, American Dialtect Society, and others

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